Saturday, August 1, 2009

Should I dye my hair brown and wear brown contacts?

I am of mixed race.. I am half Danish and half chinese. I have chinese eyes but my natural hair color is light blond and I have blue eyes. Everyone thinks that I dye my hair blond and am wearing blue contacts and I hate it. People think that I am high maintence because of my looks but in reality, I am a very shy reserved person. Being a really realistic person, people will assume and judge that I try to be white. In high school, it was the hardest for me because of the assumptions that I used to always get. I know a lot of you reading this will say that I shouldn't care and only be myself, but its hard. It's easier said then done. People say I am very beautiful but i am the type of person that likes to hide and not stand out.

Should I dye my hair brown and wear brown contacts?....

Should I dye my hair brown and wear brown contacts?


Be proud of who you are and of how your

racially-admixed ancestral lineage shows

up in various ways in all of your features.

Perhaps the people at the groups listed below

can be of even more help for / support to you.



Should I dye my hair brown and wear brown contacts?

Well.. I really dont think you should change the way u look because people are hating on u.... I think u should embrace it because alot of those girls that were hating on u would kill to look like u and they were just mad that they dont look like u. i think if u change the way u look by dying your hair and wearing contacts, then that will make it seem like you're trying to be someone you're not. but i do think that if u have a strong feeling to dye your hair and wear contacts then do what makes u happy and what makes u feel more confident.. but i just want to say embrace the way u look with which ever route u choose to go.

Should I dye my hair brown and wear brown contacts?

Well you sound beautiful to me exactly as you are!! Id love to have what you all i can say is try and appreciate the beauty you have been blessed with :)

Should I dye my hair brown and wear brown contacts?

No. Be as natural as you are.


I find it difficult to understand why black-haired women dye their hair blonde and fair-skinned ladies tan themselves to golden brown. The seem to be discontented with their physical appearance.

I find Eurasians soooooo pretty!

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